Architektų gildija Ltd. – Architectural Drafting Company
Professional CAD Drafting & Drawing Services
Architektų gildija Ltd. is not only CAD, BIM service provider for US, UK, Australian companies but our company provides architectural services for Lithuanian market. To find out more please visit out Lithuanian site – . Our company is member of Small Design Company Associacion of Lithuania. Please visit out other websites- or .
We are team of certified freelance architects , archicad, autocad drafters , technicians . Our goal is to help you to boost your productivity expanding your drafting and BIM modeling capabilities by outsourcing drafting services to us. We are using the most advanced architectural CAD / BIM software and our aim is to provide qualitative services of designing, drafting and object modeling at a low price.
We provide an up-front quotation on the complete project so you’ll know the total cost without any surprises. If the project is open-ended then the standard hourly rate will apply. Either way, you are in control of the cost up-front, so no surprises.
Interior architectural render
Architectural BIM MEP modeling
Architectural hytte day rendering
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Interior project visualizations
Japan architecture BIM modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural drafting services
Developing custom Archicad objects
3DS MAX with corona render
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Freelance archicad technicians modeling
Architectural Drawings for planning application
Freelance terrain modeling
Evening Architectural visualization
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Bungalow model with Archicad
Developing custom Archicad objects
Morning interior render with Maxwell
Facade rendering of Archicad model
Building 2D section drawing
Drafting interior details ( keynoting )
Developing custom Archicad objects
Terrain modelling using BIM software
2D Apartment building plans
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Woodframe house Archicad model
Archicad model from survey data
Developing custom Archicad objects
CAD contractor ( terrain BIM modeling )
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
Archicad model from Point Cloud
Exterior architectural rendering
Architectural site drafting
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Architectural terrain drafting
Freelance Archicad services
Architectural Corona render
Architectural drafting with Archicad
Architectural BIM modeling
Site plan BIM modeling services
Archicad Freelace services
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Computer aided 2D drafting
Developing custom Archicad objects
Interior architectural rendering
Custom BIM objects ( chairs )
Paper to CAD detail conversion services
Modeling from point cloud
Modeling from point cloud
Modeling from point cloud
Exterior architectural rendering
BIM Archicad site plan model
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
BIM modelling complex site terrain
Developing custom Archicad objects
2D Architectural detail drafting
BIM building modeling services
Architectural renderings, visualizations
BIM modeling site terrain
Day Architectural visualization
Developing custom Archicad objects
BIM building modeling services
House model for UK architects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Evening interior render with Maxwell
Archicad terrain modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
2D Cad Drawing of 3d architectural model
Developing custom Archicad objects
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
BIM building modeling services
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Terrain modelling using BIM software
Developing custom Archicad objects
BIM modeling complex structures
Rendering 3DS Max and Corona render
Exterior architectural render
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Modeling from point cloud
Architectural visualization of hytte
Modeling from point cloud
Archicad model from Point Cloud
Archicad model from Point Cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
BIM building modeling services
Developing custom Archicad objects
Arkitekt tjenester - Hytte Tegninger
Terrain modelling using BIM software
Point cloud to Archicad model
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural BIM drafting site plan
Archicad terrain BIM model
Drafting room elevations ( keynoting )
Norwegiant Architectural rendering
3D Architectural rendering
Corona and 3DS MAX rendeing
Architectural Drafting Services
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Interior Architectural visualization
Point cloud to Archicad model
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior architectural render
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural hytte evening render.
BIM terrain site plan model
2D Archicad detail drafting
3DS MAX and Corona render
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
ArchicadTeam - VS - Freelance
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural drafting services, sections
BIM MEP modeling services
Drafting section for AIA project