Architectural BIM modelling, drafting

Architectural BIM modelling, drafting

Architectural BIM modelling, drafting

Architectural drawings and building model suitable for planing application.

Drawings, if required, are probably the most important part of any planning application. They enable planning officers and Members of the Council to fully understand what it is that you are proposing They are also used when we consult local people about your proposal. It is therefore vital that they are clear and accurate.

They often need to show more than just your property or what you want to do. This is because whether your application is acceptable or not may depend on how the rest of the building(s) or land is used or looks. The relationship of your proposals to surrounding buildings may also be important.

To achieve there requirements for planing planing application we use most advanced Archicad BIM software and rendering engines like Maxwell, Artlantis, Cinema 4D and that alows us to produce informative models of urban surrounding, develop street elevation views, building models of separate houses, plans, sections, elevations and additionally we offer photo realistic rendering, augmented reality or BIMx models. With our assistance you will see the proposal in relation to neighboring buildings.


Depending on project complexity, building detail level, terrain complexity it takes us from 2 to 7 days to produce drawing and rendering set suitable for planning application. Based on our hourly fee, we charge from – 256 EU to 896 EU ( plus 3% transaction transaction fee and VAT tax if needed ). We do now have minimum sum, so if you will have a need for some basic model of drawing that takes a couple of hours we can deliver you it and charge based on our 16 EU hourly fee.


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